Forum Agenda
8月20日 星期二 名山厅
August 20th, Tuesday, Mingshan Hall
时间 / Time | 内容 / Content | 演讲人 / Speaker |
08:30-08:40 | 大会开幕 Opening | 主持人 MC |
08:40-08:50 | 欢迎词 Welcome Speech | 戈 峻 英特尔中国董事总经理 Jun GE Managing Director, Intel China |
08:50-09:00 | 教育部致词 MOE Remark | 吴爱华 教育部高教司理工处处长 Aihua Wu Director of the Higher Education, Ministry of Education PRC |
09:00-09:30 | 主题演讲:影响未来计算的架构与技术 Keynote: Architecture & Technology Implications for Future Computing | Fayé A. Briggs 英特尔院士,首席服务平台架构师,数据中心事业部架构和规划部门 Intel Fellow, Chief Server Platform Architect |
09:30-10:00 | 主题演讲:引领移动用户体验的创新 Keynote: Enabling Innovation in Mobile User Experience | Bruce Fleming 高级首席工程师,英特尔移动与通信事业部 Senior Principal Engineer, Intel’s Mobile and Communications Group |
10:00-10:30 | 会间休息 Break | |
10:30-11:00 | 主题演讲:创建未来互联网基础架构 Keynote: Building the Internet Infrastructure of the Future | 普拉纳 • 梅塔 高级首席工程师兼首席技术官,英特尔通信与存储架构事业部 Pranav Mehta Sr. Principal Engineer and CTO, CSIG Architecture |
11:00-11:30 | 主题演讲:在现代计算中媒体技术的进步 Keynote: Advances of Media Technology in Modern Computing | 江 宏 英特尔院士,媒体架构组总监,英特尔首席媒体架构师 Hong Jiang Intel Fellow, Intel Architecture Group,Chief Media Architect and Director, Visual and Parallel Computing Group Media Architecture Team |
11:30-12:00 | 集体拍照 Group Photo | |
12:00-14:00 | 午 餐 Buffet Lunch | |
14:00-14:30 | 主题演讲:计算机网络:迷恋,迷惑,谜思 Keynote: Computer Networks: Myths, Missteps, and Mysteries | Radia Perlman 英特尔院士,英特尔研究院 Intel Fellow, Intel Labs |
14:30-15:00 | 主题演讲:3-D 三栅极晶体管时代的 SoC 技术在低功耗、高性能、高密度方面的应用 Keynote: SoC Technology in the Era of 3-D Tri-Gate Transistors for Low Power, High Performance, and High Density Applications | 白 鹏 英特尔技术制造事业部副总裁 Peng Bai Vice President, Technology and Manufacturing Group Director, Derivative Logic Technology Development |
15:00-15:30 | 会间休息 Break | |
15:30-16:15 | 嘉宾对话一:从跨国课程合作看新的合作模式 Panel Dialogue 1: China Computer Curriculum Standard Taskforce and International Collaborations | |
16:15-17:00 | 嘉宾对话二:产学研合作 Panel Dialogue 2: On Industry and Academic Collaborations | |
17:00-19:00 | 海报参观、交流互动 Network and refresh | |
19:00-19:10 | 英特尔中国大学峰会十周年庆祝晚宴开幕致辞 ICAF 10 years Anniversary and Gala Dinner Opening | 艾思莉 英特尔公司法律与企业事务副总裁兼企业事务部总监 Shelly Esque VP. Legal and Corporate Affairs Director, Corporate Affairs Group |
19:10-21:00 | 庆祝晚宴及表演 Group Dinner and Traditional Performance |
8月21日 星期三
August 21st, Wednesday
时间 / Time | 内容 / Content | 主持人 / Moderator | 地点 / Venue |
08:30-11:30 | 分会场一:大数据技术及实践 Breakout Session 1: Big Data Technologies and Practice | 秦 征 / 颜 历 Zheng Qin / Evelyn Yan | 锦霞厅 Jinxia Hall |
分会场二:智能系统与移动计算 Breakout Session 2: Intelligent System and Mobile | 王靖淇 / 刘碧华 Jolly Wang / Rachel Liu | 报国厅二、三 Baoguo Hall 2 & Baoguo Hall 3 | |
分会场三:技术制造 Breakout Session 3: Technology and Manufacturing Collaboration | 徐俊鸿 / 贺颖博 Joan Xu / Priscilla He | 报国厅一 Baoguo Hall 1 | |
11:30-11:50 | 会间休息 Break | ||
11:50-12:10 | 最佳海报颁奖 Best Poster Awarding 英特尔高性能体验中心授牌仪式 Delivering the plaque | 报国厅 Baoguo Hall | |
12:10-12:20 | 闭幕致词 Closing Speech | 朱文利 英特尔教育事务部总监 Julia Zhu Director of Education Programs, Corporate Affairs Group | 报国厅 Baoguo Hall |
12:20-13:50 | 午餐 / 退房 Lunch / Check out | ||
13:50-14:00 | 酒店大堂集合 Meet at hotel lobby | ||
14:00-16:00 | 前往成都双流机场 Travel to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport (free shuttle) |
Breakout Session1: Big Data Technologies and Practice
The track will invite professors and Intel senior engineers and managers to introduce what we are doing in research, teaching and university-enterprise collaborations and have a discussion on what to do in future.
时间 / Time | 内容 / Content | 演讲人 / Speaker |
08:30-08:40 | 开幕词 Opening | 黄 波 英特尔首席工程师,英特尔中国Web技术和优化中心总监 Bo Huang Principal engineer, director of Intel China Web Technology & Optimization Center |
08:40-09:10 | 超越 Hadoop 的大数据技术:用 Spark 软件栈进行实时大数据分析 Big Data Beyond Hadoop: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics Using the Spark Stack | 戴金权 技术总监,首席工程师,英特尔软件和服务事业部 Jason Dai Engineering Director and Principal Engineer, Intel Software and Services Group |
09:10-09:40 | 用于大数据分析的图形算法工具 Graph Algorithm Tools for Big Data Analytics | 芮勱恪 科研计划总监,高校科研协作办公室,英特尔研究院 Michael Wrinn Research Director, Intel Labs |
09:40-10:10 | 从系统结构角度来看大数据安全 Securing Big Data: A Perspective from Systems and Architecture | 陈海波教授 上海交通大学 Prof. Haibo Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
10:10-10:40 | 大数据课程教学与实践 Big Data Curriculum and Practice | 黄宜华教授 南京大学 Prof. Yihua Huang Nanjing University |
10:40-11:00 | 英特尔大数据的战略重点与方向 Intel Big Data Strategic Focus and Directions | 苗凯翔 英特尔数据中心软件部中国区 CTO Kai X. Miao China CTO, Data Center Software Division |
11:00-11:20 | 利用英特尔 CoFluent 技术对 Hadoop 及数据中心集群进行建模与分析 Modeling and analyzing Hadoop and Data Center Clusters with Intel® CoFluent™ Studio | 卞昭娟 技术经理,英特尔亚太研发有限公司 Bianny Bian Engineering Manager, Intel Asia-Pacific Research & Development Ltd. |
分会场二 智能系统与移动计算
Breakout Session2 IntelligentSystem and Mobile Computing
This track will be an informative and integrated platform with rich content set for sharing Intel latest technologies about Intelligent System and Mobile Computing, and exchanging ideas about related collaboration via top universities’ presentation, Intel technologies download, parallel round tables’ discussion with top faculties from China and abroad, Intel senior technologists, managers and higher education representatives.
时间 / Time | 内容 / Content | 演讲人 / Speaker | ||
08:30-08:35 | 开幕词 Opening | 王靖淇 英特尔中国大学合作经理 Jolly Wang Intel China Higher Education Manager 刘碧华 英特尔台湾教育专案经理 Rachel Liu Education Program Manager, Corporate Affairs Group, Intel Taiwan | ||
08:35-08:55 | 教育部-英特尔专业综合改革课程“嵌入式系统” MOE - Intel Discipline Building Program Course “Embedded System” | 吴中海教授 北京大学 Prof. Zhonghai Wu Peking University | ||
08:55-09:15 | 过去、现在和未来:清华 - Intel 移动平台课程建设和科研合作 Past, Present and Future: Tsinghua-Intel Mobility U Program and Research Cooperation | 乔 飞教授 清华大学 Prof. Fei Qiao Tsinghua University | ||
09:15-11:30 | Embedded Track | Mobility Track | ||
09:15-09:30 | 智能系统和物联网 Inspiring Intelligence Across the IoT | 汤迪逊 技术支持经理, 英特尔智能系统业务部 Derek Tang Platform Application Engineering Manager, Intel Intelligent Systems Group | 2013 移动计算技术及趋势 Mobile computing technologies in 2013 | 李海程 英特尔移动通信事业部客户技术经理 Haicheng Li Software Engineering Manager, Intel MCG CTS |
09:30-09:45 | 英特尔平台技术与嵌入式教学 Intel Platform technologies and Embedded Teaching | 石浚菁 资深固件工程师 Steven Shi Senior Firmware Engineer | 与学术界共迎英特尔移动时代 Embrace the Intel Mobility Era with Academia | 郎 朗 英特尔® 软件学院与英特尔® 开发人员专区中国区经理 Lang Lang Intel Software College & Intel Developer Zone PRC Geo Manager |
09:45-10:00 | 面向嵌入式系统的智能软件开发 Intelligent Software Development for Embedded Systems | 汪 洋 技术咨询工程师 Yang Wang Technical Consulting Engineer | 高速系统设计中的信号和电源完整性分析 Signal and Power Integrity Analysis for High Speed System Design | 程 江 移动平台架构部经理 Jiang Cheng Function manager mobile platform system engineering |
10:00-11:20 | 开放式讨论 Open Discussion | 开放式讨论 Open Discussion | ||
11:20-11:30 | 总结发言 Summary speech | 总结发言 Summary Speech |
分会场三 创新 “智” 造, 合作共赢
Breakout Session3 Technology & Manufacturing Group collaboration
本分会场将进行半导体技术创新以及半导体制造在中国未来的发展机会和英特尔的卓越制造与创新。同时,将发布英特尔 2013 - 2014 年度的研究合作项目的内容和招标时间表, 主要面向微电子,材料,力学,信息技术;工业工程的高校教师开放。届时英特尔技术团队将进行拟立项目的讲解说明,包括立项背景,技术挑战和考核目标。本分会场还专门设置了座谈互动题目就校企多领域合作进行回顾和展望畅谈.
This track will explore Silicon Innovation and Future Growth Opportunities in China and Intel’s Manufacturing Excellence & Innovation; also, Intel TMG Univ-Intel Joint research topics and timeline will be published and call for proposal, it main focus on Micro-electronic, material; mechanical, IT; IE area etc. Intel project request team will share project background, technical background and measurable successful indicators; Group discussion will be held focus on unvi-Intel collaboration in multiple area review and outlook.
时间 / Time | 内容 / Content | 演讲人 / Speaker |
08:30-09:00 | 半导体技术创新以及半导体制造在中国未来的发展机会 F68 Dalian: Silicon Innovation and Future Growth Opportunities in China | 卢东晖 大连晶圆厂战略总监 Donghui Lu Director of Strategy, Intel (Dalian) Semiconductor Ltd. |
09:00-09:30 | 英特尔的卓越制造与创新 Intel’s Manufacturing Excellence & Innovation | 杨维平 首席工程师,英特尔封装测试部 Hwai Peng Yeoh ATM Principal Engineer |
09:30-10:00 | 大学 - 英特尔研究合作项目 Intel-University research project topic open and call for university proposal | 徐俊鸿 英特尔中国教育项目经理 Joan Xu Intel China Education Program Manager |
10:00-11:10 | 座谈访问:分享已有的合作和成果,探讨延伸校企合作成果 Panel session: University / Intel collaboration review and outlook A: student talent cultivation: 创新人才培养 B: Faculty forum: AAF; ICAF, workshop; 教师发展 C: Research collaboration: 产学研 | 主持人:蒋庭明 英特尔成都培训发展总监 MC: Richard Jiang Intel Chengdu Training and Development Director |
11:10-11:30 | 三个团队报告 3 team sharing and report out |